
Hey everyone! I'm J, and I do stuff!

  • Age: 29

  • Pronouns: Just call me J. I am my own entity, but I won't get mad if you call me something else by mistake!

  • Orientation: gynesexual

  • personality: kind, funny, gentle, anxious, imaginative, cares too much.

  • Fandoms: Kirby, Pokemon, Rayman, Spyro and.... pretty much anything nintendo!

  • What do I do?: art, crafts, videos, animatics, editing, graphical modder, gaming livestreams, idea person.


  • Q: do you do commissions?

  • A: Normally I don't have commissions up publicly because my hands are usually always full. If you really want me to make something for you, ask me in a DM and we'll talk.

  • Q: do you have a discord?

  • A: I do! I don't have it out publicly due to safety purposes. But if you wanna be friends, ask me through DM on my other platforms.

  • Q: Favorite Pokemon?

  • A: PORYGON. Forever and always. I never go anywhere without my beloved buddy! I'll never get a main series Pokemon game that doesn't have Porygon in it.

  • Q: Are you seeing anyone currently?

  • A: I am currently dating the wonderful @NintendoNerdArt on Xitter! <3